Celebrating light and life


*correction: Merci Bon Dieu Thank You God was removed due to questions about copyright. (not sure if the song translation was copyrighted so I took it down.)



This week I celebrated…

a birthday…carrot pumpkin birthday cake (1024x975)

a holiday filled with shadows and light…between the shadows (1024x681)

some time in the garden with friends…Purple Pixie Skirt (1280x851)

the rich colors around me…Golden (1280x1159)

and the simple pleasure of being alive.

I signed up for Photo 101 with The Daily Post here on wp. (gulp..big step for me) I hope I get an email of acceptance.  🙂  I love taking pictures so it would be fun to get a few pointers on how to be better at it.  I also love blogging so it would be fun to interact with other bloggers about photography.  Warning:  I will be posting daily if I get the email so expect to see more of me. hehehe  I am looking forward to the challenges and learning new skills.  If they let me in. (I’m  not above begging 😉 )

Thursday brings results for the ultrasound of my throat and the x-rays of my torso/spine.  I am trying not to focus on the worst of my suspicions.  I scared myself into blubbering tears so I banned myself from looking up any more symptom checker sites.  I may not even need an MRI.  The doc may have her diagnosis based just on the test we’ve done so far.  Part of me wonders if (hopes?) she’ll tell me they found nothing wrong.  That’s double-edged because I still feel the way I do and that needs a reason.  Part of me is scared to death of the worst case scenario (the “C” word) because that is glaringly possible with the symptoms I have.  All of me is going nuts trying to be patient while playing the waiting game.  I had to wait longer than usual because the doc was on vacation when the results came in.  She’s back from vacation but now I have to wait my turn to be seen.  Like I said..I’m just trying to stay calm and wait to hear from the professional, let the doc be doc and me be a patient patient.

Anyway… I’m going to go burn cook dinner now, have a good rest of your day or night, wherever you are.

The Peridot Pixie